Performance or security: what’s more important for an e-commerce server

Performance or security: what’s more important for an e-commerce server

In today's increasingly competitive e-commerce environment, a reliable server infrastructure plays a key role in the success of your online business. Whether you run an online store, an e-payment platform, or any other e-commerce-related web application, ensuring the high performance and security of your server is essential to providing a seamless and secure experience for your users.

An e-commerce server is the core of your online business, delivering accessibility, performance and safety for key functions such as storefronts, payment gateways and order management systems. Performance and security optimization of your ecommerce server is key, as any delays or failures can damage brand reputation, loss of customer trust, and in the end, cause financial loss.

In their quest to reduce costs and maximize profits, business owners often face a dilemma: should they sacrifice performance for security, or vice versa? The speed of an online store's website is critical to customer retention, but the risks of cyber-attacks during online transactions cannot be ignored. So is it worth it to compromise between performance and security and skimp on something?

Server performance for e-commerce

Server performance is a critical factor for a successful e-commerce business. It directly affects the speed at which online store pages load, the time it takes to process orders and payments, and the stability of the overall system. High performance ensures a smooth user experience, which has a positive impact on conversion and customer retention.

Online shoppers are extremely impatient — research shows that more than half of users will leave a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. Slow online store performance results in lost potential customers and a damaged brand reputation. In addition, poor performance can cause payment gateways to malfunction, resulting in financial loss and customer dissatisfaction.

Scrimping on e-commerce server performance is a false economy that can cost your business in the long run. Instead, it's worth investing in high-performance hardware and software that can handle peak loads and keep your online store running smoothly. Only then can you guarantee your customers a flawless user experience and compete effectively in the e-commerce marketplace.

Server security for e-commerce

E-commerce server security is one of the key factors that determine the success of an online business. Protecting customer data, the confidentiality of payment information, and the integrity of the online store itself is critical. Even a minor security breach can have catastrophic consequences, including identity theft, financial loss, and brand damage.

Cybercriminals are improving their techniques every day, using more sophisticated ways to compromise systems. Without proper protection, your server is vulnerable to hacking, viruses, spam, and other cyber threats. Letting attackers into your system can result in the exposure of sensitive customer data, loss of intellectual property, and disruption of your entire online business.

Scrimping on server security can have catastrophic financial and reputational consequences. Recovering from a successful cyber-attack can cost an enormous amount of money, not to mention legal fees and fines for data breaches. In addition, the loss of customer confidence can cause irreparable damage to an organization.

Rather than compromise on security, it is better to invest in reliable server protection solutions. Modern cybersecurity tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, data encryption, and others will ensure comprehensive protection of your system. This is the only way to ensure the confidentiality and security of your information and the smooth operation of your online store.


At ATLEX, we understand how critical a reliable server infrastructure is to an e-commerce business. Any outage can result in lost revenue, damaged brand reputation, and significant financial costs.

That's why we offer advanced solutions for renting dedicated e-commerce servers in our state-of-the-art data centers in Russia and Europe. Through years of experience and the use of the latest technology, we are able to offer our customers high levels of performance and safety.

Renting a server from ATLEX is a truly profitable investment in the development of your business. Among our main advantages:

  • High-performance hardware for blazing fast performance.

    As your e-commerce business expands and your resource requirements increase, you can scale your servers easily by adding extra processing power, storage, and network bandwidth. Our flexible solutions make it possible to adjust to the changing needs of your business without having to invest in expensive hardware or restructure your entire infrastructure.
  • Reliable multi-layered security system with state-of-the-art protection against cyber threats.

    Security is one of our top priorities when providing e-commerce server rental services. We take a layered approach to security, including physical, network, and software security measures. Our data centers are equipped with access control systems, video surveillance, and 24/7 security. At the network level, we use firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and data encryption to protect sensitive information and transactions.
  • Uninterruptible power and redundant communications links for 24/7 server uptime.

    We use redundant infrastructure for increased resiliency, redundant power, cooling, and Internet connectivity to ensure maximum uptime for your servers.
  • Professional technical support and infrastructure monitoring by highly skilled professionals.

    Our experienced team of professionals has extensive knowledge and experience in managing server infrastructures, tuning and optimizing server performance, and troubleshooting and problem resolution. We proactively monitor and maintain your server infrastructure to maximize performance and keep your e-commerce applications running smoothly.
  • Flexible pricing plans and cost-effectiveness for your business.

    Compared to building and maintaining your own on-premise server infrastructure, renting servers in our data center can save you a lot of money. You avoid the upfront costs of purchasing equipment, building dedicated space, and setting up cooling and power systems. Plus, you can start with the minimum infrastructure needed and add resources — memory, disk, bandwidth — as your project grows.

At ATLEX, we offer a complete solution for online store server infrastructure. Our high-performance servers ensure lightning-fast page loading speeds and uninterrupted operation of your website, even during peak hours. At the same time, our multi-layered security system reliably protects servers with your customers' confidential data from the most common cyber threats.

We believe that e-commerce business owners no longer have to choose between performance and security. With ATLEX solutions, you get both, plus many other benefits — from backup power to 24/7 technical support.

Don't miss the opportunity to take your online store to the next level! Rent a reliable e-commerce server in ATLEX data centers today. Contact our specialists and they will choose the optimal server configuration for you, taking into account the specifics of your business and growth prospects. Make the right choice and take full advantage of our advanced solutions!


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