How to organize a support service that delights customers

How to organize a support service that delights customers

In today's world, where competition in the hosting industry is at its peak, the quality of customer service becomes not just one of the components of success, but its determining factor. In this regard, the support service plays a key role, turning from a simple line of defense into a powerful tool for increasing user loyalty.

Today we have a unique opportunity to talk to Vitaly Sharonov, Head of Technical Support Service at ATLEX.

In our interview we will discuss what principles and strategies allow ATLEX to provide a high level of service, which includes employee training, implementation of new technologies and development of corporate culture. You will learn how important customer feedback is and what metrics are worth considering to evaluate the effectiveness of the support service.

Anna Nikulina: Vitaly, hello! Thank you for taking the time for this interview. I would like to start with the most basic thing. How do you define the notion of "support service that delights customers"?

Vitaly Sharonov: Hi Anna! To me, "support service that delights customers" is a team that not only solves customer problems, but also proactively works to prevent future problems. It's a service where every employee understands the importance of empathy, responsiveness and availability of information to the customer.

What are the key principles and values that underpin your work to create such a support service?

First of all, it is client-oriented. We always put the client first and strive to understand their needs and expectations. Secondly, it is the professionalism of our employees. We invest in the training and development of our team. Third, it is transparency and honesty. We always talk openly about problems and opportunities to solve them.

Vitaly, how do you select and train employees to meet these principles?

Recruitment begins with a thorough screening of candidates. We are looking for people with excellent communication skills and a high level of empathy. Training for new employees includes theoretical knowledge and practical training. We also hold regular internal trainings and workshops to improve skills.

What role does technology play in your support service?

Technology plays a very important role. We use state-of-the-art request management systems that allow us to efficiently allocate tasks and track their completion. We also have integrated chats and automated systems to answer typical questions quickly. Technology helps us to be more responsive and accurate in our responses.

What metrics and performance measures do you use to evaluate your support team?

The main metrics are first response time, problem resolution time and customer satisfaction. We also analyze the number of repeat calls and feedback from customers. These metrics help us identify weaknesses and work to improve them.

Can you share a couple of examples where your customer service has exceeded customer expectations?

Of course! One recent case was when a client faced a critical issue on the eve of an important event. We mobilized a team and worked around the clock to solve the problem. As a result, the event went smoothly and the client was very satisfied. Another example - our employee noticed an error in the client's settings before the client even asked for help and offered a solution, which significantly reduced potential risks.

These are really impressive examples. Vitaly, what advice would you give to companies that are just starting to build their support service?

First and foremost, it's important to understand that support service is not just a cost center, but an important element of customer interaction. Invest in your employees, give them the tools and opportunities to grow. Listen to feedback from customers and constantly strive to improve your processes. Most importantly, don't be afraid to step up to meet your customers' needs.

Thank you very much, Vitaly, for such detailed and valuable answers. It was very interesting to learn how your team works and achieves such impressive results.

Thank you Anna, always happy to share our experiences.


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