Addresses and bank details


Company’s name: “Okey-Telecom” LLC
Taxpayer Identification
Number (INN):
Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP): 772701001
Primary State Registration Number (OGRN): 1067746441465
Registered address: Office 47, room 1, bl. 8, bldg. 15, Nagornaya str., Moscow 117186
Correspondence address: bl. 8, bldg. 15, Nagornaya str., Moscow 117186
Telephone: +7 (495) 234-77-11
Fax: +7 (495) 666-29-25
Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO): 94470539
Russian Classifier of Administrative and Territorial Entities (OKATO): 45293570000
Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership (OKFS): 16
Russian Classifier of Forms of Incorporation (OKOPF): 12300
Company’s name: “Okey-Telecom” LLC
Taxpayer Identification Number (INN): 7727278851
Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP): 772701001
Primary State Registration Number (OGRN): 5157746185933
Registered address: Office 46, room 1, bl. 8, bldg. 15, Nagornaya str., Moscow 117186
Correspondence address: bl. 8, bldg. 15, Nagornaya str., Moscow 117186
Telephone: +7 (495) 234-77-11
Fax: +7 (495) 666-29-25
Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO): 52670968
Russian Classifier of Administrative and Territorial Entities (OKATO): 45293570000
Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership (OKFS): 16
Russian Classifier of Forms of Incorporation (OKOPF): 12300

Details for payment in Russian rubles:

Bank’s name: BANK URALSIB PJSC, Moscow
BIC: 044525787
Settlement account: 40702810100540000444
Correspondent account: 30101810100000000787
Bank’s name: BANK URALSIB PJSC, Moscow
BIC: 044525787
Settlement account: 40702810200540001660
Correspondent account: 30101810100000000787

Details for payment in U.S. dollars:

Bank OKATO code: 45286590000
Bank address: Efremova street, 8 Moscow, Russian Federation, 119048
Bank name: Public joint stock company "BANK URALSIB"
Recipient USD account number: 40702840300540100444
Recipient company name: Okey-Telecom OOO
Recipient Russian INN code: 7727571465
Recipient company address: 15-8 Nagornaya street, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117186
Payment details example: Payment for hosting services, invoice N

Details for payment in Euro:

Bank OKATO code: 45286590000
Bank address: Efremova street, 8 Moscow, Russian Federation, 119048
Bank name: Public joint stock company "BANK URALSIB"
Recipient EURO account number: 40702978900540100444
Recipient company name: Okey-Telecom OOO
Recipient Russian INN code: 7727571465
Recipient company address: 15-8 Nagornaya street, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117186
Payment details example: Payment for hosting services, invoice N

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